BioMed Core Technology

BioMed Core Technology

BioMed Elements is capable of manufacturing biopolymers into various functional end forms with her own BioMed Core Technology. We have a number of ways to obtain the desired product. Our patented technology gives us additional control over the biomaterial specifications compared to our competitors.


BioMed Elements has access to a platform technology which enables us to manufacture uniform spherical submicron particles from various biopolymers. With this patented process BioMed is able to control the formation of these particles to such a degree that we can tune the particle characteristics, like the size of the spheres.

BioMed Elements is able to make these spherical submicron particles in commercial quantities. The BioMed Core Technology is easily scalable from R&D to production scale. Unique to the technology is that we can select on particle size and also produce homogeneous batches (PDI <0 .100). This enables BioMed Elements to utilize the particles for a variety of products.

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BioMed Core Technology   

This electron micrograph shows the spherical nano particles in our powder


Due to BioMeds’ unique and proprietary technology, we are able to deliver a high monodisperse product. BioMed maintains a high internal quality standard for the particle size distribution of our colloidal suspensions. Moreover, the process doesn’t display any significant batch-to-batch variations. This ensures the reproducibility of each product. BioMed Elements always delivers a product that meets a high quality standard.

Schematic visualization of spherical biopolymer particle consisting of several individual polymer chains.


Clinical application submicron particles

Biopolymer based submicron particles show great potential for clinical applications because of their biocompatibility and biodegradability. Biopolymer based particles are naturally degraded and therefore leave no trace products. Trace products could trigger an infection or other adverse reactions.

Moreover, biopolymers such as gelatin and hyaluronic acid are part of the extracellular matrix and therefore are part of the natural environment of cells. Particles based on biopolymers can be used as carrier for tissue, cells and tissue/cell derived materials. Hyaluronic acid is known for the ability to retain various growth factors for example link

Furthermore biopolymer particles show potential for targeted, slow and sustained release. Drugs and other actives can be encapsulated with a biopolymer shell that forms a barrier. The barrier protects the active from the external environment. In addition a targeting group can be linked to the particle. This group will enable the particle to specifically target a certain site, for instance a tumor. The release will be trigged by the degradation of the particle. By tuning the particle size and porosity the degradation, and therefore the release, can be tuned.

The full potential of colloidal biopolymers is still being investigated by various institutes and show great potential for new and innovative applications. To facilitate this research BioMed Elements offers the possibility to order high quality spherical nanoparticles off the shelf.